
Welcome to OneLocal’s Employee Handbook

If you’re just joining the team - welcome! If you’ve been with the company for a long time and are coming to reference back to our handbook, welcome back!

This handbook applies to all OneLocal employees, existing to set expectations for all employees towards ensuring a positive and respectful workplace. The handbook is for the company to set expectations of its employees, but also so that employees know what they can expect of each other. As such, it’s important that everyone who is part of our team reads through and understands the contents of this handbook. 

Our handbook is your OneStop for most (if not all) things OneLocal related to your employment journey with us.  It includes important information about your role, what’s expected of you on a day-to-day basis, as well as policies, practices, and procedures.  It’s intended as a useful guide for you regarding your work activities and relationships.  

If at any time you feel it’s not serving that purpose, or have any questions or concerns, please tell us!  

That said, we fully expect the handbook to evolve and change.  We do retain the right to modify, delete, or add policies in the handbook at any time, but we’ll be sure to let you know of any changes we make. 

Happy reading!