#OneTeam Culture


At OneLocal, we embrace our differences, learn from one another and challenge each other at every avenue.


We are comprised of caring, collaborative and innovative individuals that work as #OneTeam to produce amazing results.

Helping our team achieve their full potential is key, which is why we foster a diverse and inclusive environment for new ideas, enhanced learning opportunities and career growth.

We also empower our employees with support for their needs, whether they are inside or outside of the office. That includes benefits, vacation time, office perks, team events and more.

#OneTeam Values

Ensuring alignment between you and OneLocal’s company culture and values play a key role in our hiring process. Ideally you’ve met with a number of members of our team to really make sure that alignment exists between you, the team members, and the company overall.  

If you’re here, then we 100% believe that not only do you align with our overall culture and values, but that you will be able to recognize it in others and hold others accountable to it.


Be a Kind & Informed Professional

We demonstrate empathy, curiosity, open communication, integrity, and adaptability. We foster positive working relationships and make informed decisions to contribute to both individual and company-wide success.

Guiding Principles:

  • Empathy & Compassion

  • Be Curious

  • Open Communication

  • Integrity & Honesty

  • Adaptability

Have an Ownership Mindset

We take a holistic approach to decision making. We focus on the strategic goals of the company, and we take ownership of our work. We make decisions with the best interests of the business in mind.

Guiding Principles:

  • Responsibility & Accountability

  • Initiative & Proactivity

  • Long-term Perspective

  • Resourcefulness

  • Holistic Decision Making

  • Risk Taking & Learning from Mistakes

We Celebrate Success

Our wins, big or small, are always wins. Whether it’s a client, team member, or OneLocal as a whole, we believe in sharing success stories and celebrating achievements.

Guiding Principles:

  • Recognition & Appreciation

  • Clear Criteria for Success

  • Timely Acknowledgement

  • Feedback & Reflection

  • Share Success Stories

  • Encourage Peer Recognition


Prioritize Outcomes

We set clear goals and leverage data-driven decisions to achieve impactful results. Using an adaptive approach, collaborative mindset, and commitment to continuous improvement, we ensure efficiency and optimal outcomes

Guiding Principles:

  • Clear Goal Setting

  • Focus on Impact

  • Data-driven Decision Making

  • Take an Agile & Adaptive Approach

  • Collaboration & Cross-functional Teams

  • Efficiency & Effectiveness

  • Innovation & Continuous Improvement

Set Ambitious Timelines

We push the limits of what is possible by stretching our teams to achieve audacious goals. We collaborate, communicate effectively, and utilize strategic planning to help us knock our ambitious timelines out of the park

Guiding Principles:

  • Strategic Planning

  • Realistic Assessment

  • Clear Communication

  • Flexibility & Adaptability

  • Continual Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Prioritization

  • Resource Allocation

  • Collaboration & Team Buy-in


If at any time you are unsure of a decision or what to do, or need to provide guidance or support other members of the team, refer back to these values to help you make the best decision.

 Don’t hesitate to reach out to your manager or for support at any time.

We’re all in this together - we’re #OneTeam.

Embodying & Recognizing our Values

We are committed to creating an environment where you are encouraged to embody our values. This relates to how you behave in your job and the amazing work that you do, or how you interact with prospective or current customers, your team members or managers, or anyone else on the team.  We want to recognize you. You and your positive efforts contribute to our success, and make it possible to deliver on our mission to “Make Small Business Easy”. 

We invite all of our team members to recognize each other when you notice that someone is doing something over and above their normal responsibilities and expectations, or working on something that aligns with our values and is contributing to our success. Good work can sometimes go unnoticed, so it’s important that when you are able and comfortable to do so, you recognize other team members for the effort they invest in the company’s mission.