Personal Brand &

What You Wear to Work

At OneLocal we want our work environment to be a place where our employees can come in and dress in a way that best reflects their personalities and personal brand, while being respectful of others and keeping the professional environment we aim for

Generally, if it’s comfortable and practical for work and is not distracting or offensive to others, then that fits within our expectations about what you wear to work!

To help you choose your look every morning before you come in, here are some more specific guidelines:

  • Neat and tidy casual wear is totally acceptable - if you want to dress up a bit more towards business casual and formal business attire, you do you!

  • More comfortable casual wear like hoodies, toques, and workout wear is all good too

  • Clothing that could potentially distract others or with potentially offensive words or content in our workplace is not acceptable

  • If meeting with current or potential clients or partners, attending or speaking at a conference, or even attending a networking event where you are a representative of OneLocal, we trust you to make a judgment call about the best attire for the occasion. (In most cases, business casual is your best bet!) 

In cases where your chosen outfit may not align with our respectful workplace and professional standards, your manager will speak with you to discuss how best to ensure that we maintain the level of appearance we expect.

#OneTip: your personal brand goes beyond just what you wear to work. It’s also seen in how you behave and interact with others. OneLocal is definitely a casual work environment where you are invited to come as you are, whoever you are. All we expect when it comes to your personal brand and the reputation you would like to create for yourself is to keep in mind that professionalism must always be maintained, and to be respectful of others.