Sharing (Information & Feedback) is Caring

As an employee of OneLocal, it’s important to us that you have all the information you need to be able to be productive in your role

We have a few different ways in which we share company-wide information, give you the chance to ask questions, and share your feedback:

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Team Meetings

Depending on your team, meetings will happen at least once a week, giving everyone an opportunity to hear about updates from the team as a whole and to ask questions to each other. These are pre-planned meetings, and you will be invited to attend as of your first week!


1-on-1 Meetings

All the managers at OneLocal have their own styles of communication and management, but one thing that’s constant is that they are committed to you, and will meet with you on a weekly basis to check-in.  Use this time to have candid and open communication with your manager to talk about the work you’re doing, the challenges you’re facing, how you want to develop your career and your skills, or just to catch up!  Feel free to share your constructive feedback, and you can expect the same from your manager.


All Hands Meetings

Every 2nd Friday of the month, we hold an All-Hands meeting, of which all employees are expected to attend. At these meetings you can hear updates from each department in the company and get up to speed on things like any new progress related to new processes, projects, or initiatives by other teams, hear about how we’re doing on the financial side, how our sales are trending over the last month, how many new people are joining the company, and how our retention is looking on the customer side. 

Have a burning question that you want answered, particularly from another department or team (maybe about something you read in the monthly memo that doesn’t seem to make sense? Or maybe you want to know more about the progress on an item you heard about.  Or even a rumour that you want to know is true related to a workplace process or practice)?

We got you.  A survey will be sent out one week before the All Hands meeting where you can anonymously send in a question you’d like answered. Ask away!

If it’s a question related to your team, we encourage you to speak directly with your manager if possible as the goal is always that you are comfortable bringing up topics and questions about your team to your manager. But if not (which we understand does happen), feel free to send through anonymously through the survey!


Employee NPS

For us to continue to create a work environment that you want to keep coming back to every day, we need your feedback. As such, we conduct an Employee NPS SurveyMonkey every 2 months in order to gather actionable feedback.

An anonymous survey is sent out to you every 2 months related to different aspects of the work environment. The survey generally only takes 3-5 minutes to complete, and your feedback can remain completely anonymous if you want. Although not required, we highly encourage you to leave more detailed feedback when prompted to provide greater insight into how things are going for you as related to the question given. 

We review the answers and host a meeting based on the feedback every 2 months, so you can trust that we take it very seriously. You will receive a Gmail Calendar Invite to join us through Zoom, you are welcome to join and take part of the discussion if you’d like.

Our goal is to take your feedback and use it to determine our priorities related to employee engagement. We will update you regularly on trends we are noticing in the feedback and what our plans are to address any gaps or how we will be enhancing what we are currently doing!