Extended Leave for Illness or Injury

If you require an extended unpaid leave of absence due to illness or other medical condition (in particular have used up all your personal days), we want to support you for a quick and safe return to work, and will make every effort to accommodate any limitations or restrictions upon your return to work.  

Prior to Your Leave or Workplace Accommodation


We require that your doctor or qualified specialist complete a medical form to help us understand your condition so that we can make the necessary accommodations to the best of our ability.

This form:

  • Confirms that you have a medical condition requiring you to be absent from work or require workplace accommodation;

  • Confirms that you are being treated for the condition and are following the prescribed treatment plan;

  • Requests a prognosis and expected date of return or time-frame for accommodation; and

  • Indicates what limitations or restrictions you may have at work, and associated accommodations.

Please note that it is your responsibility to obtain the medical form. OneLocal will cover the cost of completing the form as required and relevant assessment (if requested by OneLocal).

During Your Leave


You will continue to qualify for the benefits under Health and Dental Benefits (if already eligible). You may also be eligible for employment insurance sick leave benefits during this time. Refer to the Service Canada website for details.

Returning to Work & Workplace Accommodation


Your doctor or qualified specialist may require information with which to address what limitations, restrictions and/or accommodations should be put in place. We will provide you with a list of your duties to be forwarded to him/her to assist them in completing the medical form, and will do what we can to reasonably modify your duties wherever possible. From time to time, we may require information about your current abilities to assist us in doing so.

Prior to Your Return to Work

When nearing your return to work date, we will require that your doctor or qualified specialist complete another medical form requesting the following information (in case it has changed since your initial form):

  • Whether you are fit to be at and/or return to work;

  • Whether you can return to your regular duties, or:

  • If there are limitations or restrictions to your regular duties; and/or

  • Whether there are any limitations/restrictions related to ongoing treatment.