Personal Use of Social Media

We understand that social media is a part of most peoples’ everyday lives, so we completely expect that you’ll log on to your personal Instagram accounts, Twitter, SnapChat, or other social media accounts during working hours.  That’s alright; what’s important to us is that you keep it to a minimum and you make sure to prioritize your day-to-day responsibilities and/or projects.

On a related note, if you wish to set up a profile that includes OneLocal’s names under a social media or networking sites such as LinkedIn or Twitter, please remember that you are representing the company and we expect you to use your good judgment in doing so. This refers also to comments about, links and/or photographs of your team members, whether of the workplace, staff events or otherwise.

Please use good judgment when posting content and/or pictures because, permitted or not, posted content and/or pictures are a reflection of our business.