Working Remotely

OneLocal is a 100% remote workplace, which mean employees will work from home Monday to Friday.

Staying Connected While Working Remotely

Here’s what we need from you when you work remotely:

  • Make sure you have good internet connection from wherever you are choosing to work from (you will be responsible for any costs related to maintaining or obtaining internet)

  • Ensure that you can work from a space that is productive for you

    • When working remotely, wherever you are in the world, finding the right space for you to complete your work is up to you and any costs associated with this are your responsibility

  • Be available during your normal working hours, by phone/Dialpad, Slack and email

    • When working remotely from another timezone:

      • Discuss what your hours of work will be before leaving to work remotely in another timezone to confirm whether you are expected to have overlap with the rest of the team while working remotely

      • Ensure you are putting in as much effort/work hours as you normally would when working locally

  • Take the breaks you need to balance your workday and give yourself time to refocus

  • Do your work from OneLocal-issued laptops (rather than your own personal laptops or computers); this is especially important as we may have confidential or sensitive information that should remain on company-issued devices (e.g. Information or data that falls under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), financial information, etc.)

  • Do not leave OneLocal-issued laptops and other company information unattended