Our Mission

To Make Small Business Easy

Running a small business is notoriously difficult. 

Not only do small businesses have to be good at providing their core product or service like dental care or plumbing, they also have to manage all of the different aspects required to operate a business - everything from marketing to HR to accounting to finance, and a few others - all of which likely don't fall under the reason they started the business in the first place.

At OneLocal, it’s our mission to make small business easy.

 What Makes OneLocal Different

Unlike enterprises who have dedicated departments for each function of their business, small businesses don't. It’s a hustle typically just to keep the lights on. 

We believe that local businesses are critically important to the economy and to their communities. But right now, digital transformation in today’s world gives big box and e-commerce business an unfair advantage over small businesses.

We are in it for the community and exist to enable small business owners to be competitive in this environment

How We Will Achieve our Mission

In a survey conducted across thousands of small and midsize businesses (SMBs), the top 3 pain points were:

  1. Uncertainty about where their next customer is going to come from;

  2. Uncertainty about how much money they are making; and

  3. Inability to find employees. 

Our perspective is that the resource constraints SMBs face lead to bandwidth constraints that ultimately lead to an inability to effectively manage the different aspects of running a business even with the assistance of software. 

Our approach is to provide an "end-to-end" solution or "full-stack" solution that attacks our perspective head on. 

As a result, at OneLocal, we will achieve our Mission by taking care of all aspects that are outside of their core product or service but still very critical to running a successful business. 

Our Current Focus

Since 2017, we have been focused on addressing the #1 pain point of SMBs: Marketing.

SMBs struggle to effectively use marketing technologies which is why over 80% of SMBs don't use a single tool.

SMBs currently have 4 options to address the #1 pain point:

  1. Use one of the 7000 self-service marketing tools

    This requires them to setup and launch the solution successfully, learn the nuances of that specific domain i.e. SEO, and manage the solution ongoing to generate a consistent return on their investment. For the majority of businesses, they simply do not have the time to do this. A list of competitors can be reviewed here.

  2. Hire an agency or consultant

    Since there isn't a governing body to uphold standards like there are in some other professions like Dentistry or Accounting, this option leads to inconsistent quality. Whatever results they are able to deliver, come at a premium cost, These agencies/consultants are not building their own technology, so they end up operating more manually and marking up other company's technology, passing those costs to the end merchant.

  3. Cross their fingers and hope (not recommended but happens all too often)

  4. Use OneLocal (Our Highly Recommended Choice!)

    We help SMBs get more customers by:

  • Taking care of all things marketing for them, rather then selling them tools they won’t use;

  • Providing them a full-stack solution that combines cutting-edge technology with in-house marketing specialists; and

  • Getting them the marketing results they’ve been looking for at a fraction of the cost of hiring an agency or consultants.

We use our technology to automate the vast majority of our in-house specialists’ work in-order to achieve high Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) gross margins, so that although clients receive the high-level of marketing advice and guidance that one could expect from an external marketing agency or consultant, we can pass on cost savings to our customers.