Procedures for Complaints

Identifying and Reporting a Complaint or Incident


If you feel you’ve been the victim of harassment, we ask you to Assess the Situation:

  • Sometimes a person is unaware that their behaviour is offensive until someone draws attention to it. If the behaviour is an isolated event, it might have been unintentional. If you think this was the case, and you feel comfortable and safe to do so, tell the person politely but firmly that it bothered you and ask them to stop. Communicate your disapproval and discomfort with their comments, actions, or behaviour.

  • If you feel you’ve been the victim of harassment and don’t feel comfortable or safe approaching the alleged harasser, particularly if you’ve been physically or sexually harassed, or if the outcome of speaking directly with them does not achieve the desired outcome and the harassment continues, contact the People team.

If you witness or become aware of an incident of discrimination or harassment of any kind at work, you must bring your concerns to the attention of the People team or your manager so we can deal with them in an appropriate and timely manner.

Procedure for Addressing Reports


Upon receiving a harassment report at OneLocal, we are committed to promptly initiating a thorough and impartial investigation.  This process may involve collecting evidence, conducting interviews with applicable parties, and taking appropriate measures based on the conclusions of the investigation. We prioritize maintaining the confidentiality of all involved parties to the greatest extent possible, while ensuring a full investigation.

Should any individual be found responsible for engaging in harassment, a range of disciplinary actions will be taken. These actions may range from a verbal warning to potential termination of employment. Disciplinary action will be aligned with the severity and frequency of the misconduct. Our aim is to ensure that all team members have a safe and welcoming environment.