Coffee Ambassador Program

We know that when new employees join a new company, it can be a bit intimidating or scary as it’s hard to know exactly what to expect. That’s why we’ve created a Coffee Ambassador Program:


What does an ambassador do?

Ambassadors are employees that demonstrate our values and play a positive role in a new hire’s first impressions. You play a key role in the whole onboarding process. Think back to your first few weeks here - it’s those conversations and gestures that go a long way!

How do I sign up for a Lunch or Coffee Chat?

New hires have 5 Lunches in Week 5, and 10 Coffee Chats in Weeks 5 and 6 (this allows you to focus on your training and connecting with your team in Month 1, and then connect with other OneLocal team members after your first month!). Prior to each cohort, a sign-up Excel document will be shared on the #coffee-ambassadors channel on Slack. Next, you will go ahead and check off the times/dates that you are available. Lunches & Coffees are scheduled on a first-come first-serve basis. At the end of each week, the poll will be closed and you will receive a Calendar invite to confirm your Lunch or Coffee Chat.

If you’re unable to sign up for any of the options presented, not a problem! You can join the next round as sign-ups are not mandatory, but they are encouraged.

How much can be spent per person?

For every 30 minute Lunch session that you are signed up for, you will receive a $20 CAD UberEats voucher to use. Each voucher expires after one month, so please make sure you use up your whole voucher before it expires!

What are the expectations of an ambassador?

  • Use this as an opportunity to get to know the new hire! This is a great way to connect with your fellow peers from different teams across the company.

  • Be on time. If you are running late, please be mindful of their time and let them know so they have a heads up.

  • Rescheduling - Last minute meetings/calls happen. It is up to you to re-schedule your Lunch/Coffee Chat when you are both available, or to find another ambassador to take your place if you are unable to reschedule with the new hire.


If you have any other questions regarding the Coffee Ambassador program, please make sure you re-direct it to our Slack #coffee-ambassadors channel and someone will be more than happy to assist!