Alcohol, Cannabis, and Drugs

The use of substances, defined in this policy as illicit drugs, alcohol, cannabis, and the misuse of medications, can have serious adverse effects on your health, safety and job performance. Therefore, we make every effort to prevent substance misuse in our workplace. Substance misuse in the workplace occurs when an employee’s work is found to be negatively affected, or, if the employee’s safety or the safety of others is considered by any reasonable person to be at risk by the influence of a substance, whether legal or illegal.

The following are strictly prohibited:

  • Reporting to work or performing work for the company while impaired by substances including alcohol or cannabis; 

  • Consumption, use or possession of illicit drugs on company premises or property;

  • Consumption, use or possession of illicit drugs on the premises/property of customers, partners, or vendors;

  • Unauthorized consumption, use or possession of alcohol or cannabis on company premises or property; and

  • Unauthorized consumption, use or possession of alcohol or cannabis on the premises/property of customers, partners, or vendors.

Substance misuse, as defined in this policy, is prohibited at employment-related functions, team/employee events or functions (whether on-site or off-site), or where there is an impact on the work environment as a result of the substance misuse.

If it is brought forward that substance use or misuse (whether that substance be prescribed or otherwise), is suspected, People Operations will investigate the incident and/or allegation.  Any employee who violates this policy may be subject to discipline up-to-and-including termination, legal action and criminal liability.

Prescription Medications

The possession and use of prescribed drugs at work is acceptable provided that:

  • You obtained the medication legally and are using it for the prescribed purpose;

  • The drug use does not impair your ability to safely and efficiently perform your duties; and

  • The drug use does not impact the comfort, safety and/or efficiency of coworkers or customers, partners, vendors, or other stakeholders.

If you are using a prescribed drug (e.g. muscle relaxants, pain medication, antidepressants, medical marijuana, etc) and have been informed or have reason to believe that the use of this drug may limit your ability to perform your work duties safely and efficiently – and/or impact the comfort, safety and/or efficiency of your coworkers or customers – you are required to advise your manager. Your manager will look into what accommodations, if any, can be made to facilitate your ability to work in a safe and productive manner. 

Please note that you are not required to indicate the specific medication in use and that all information will be handled confidentially.

Company Support

We recognize that addiction to a substance may be a medical condition and encourage those who suffer from dependency to voluntarily seek treatment and rehabilitation. If you require an extended leave of absence due to this medical condition, the Extended Illness and Injury policy found in the Vacation & Time-Off section will apply. Our goal is to restore performance and safety levels while supporting you. If, however, performance doesn’t improve, disciplinary actions may be taken.