Hours of Work

The average work week for OneLocal employees is 40 hours per week (8 hours per day). 

Everyone has their own ways of maximizing their productivity. Some people focus better in the mornings and prefer to start their day extra early. Others might find that they get their best work done in the wee hours of the night, but have trouble getting up for work before 10am.

We recognize that not everyone works the same, and so OneLocal’s work hours are not rigid. We don’t expect team members to clock in and clock out on a set schedule. We trust that employees will use their best judgement in creating schedules that are sustainable, reasonable, and that will provide the adequate amount of time needed to complete the work that is assigned to you.

OneLocal is committed to the health and wellbeing of all employees. Finding a good work life rhythm gives all of us time to focus on personal obligations, interests, and our overall wellbeing. Given the nature of our remote-first and distributed team, disconnecting from work looks different based on the requirements of our roles and the dependencies between different roles and departments. Therefore, this policy has been created for and applies to all employees to provide guidelines outlining what it means to disconnect from work to support employee wellbeing.

Employees and their manager should discuss workflow and work expectations with respect to working hours, and availability outside of working hours. 

Employees are expected to meet the requirements of their role. With this in mind, employees should be mindful of their colleague’s working hours and do their best to only communicate within those hours. However, there are situations where it is necessary to contact colleagues, clients, or customers outside of working hours to meet business needs and requirements. Teams are expected to work together to determine what types of communication or situations require responses outside of working hours, as well as provide clear expectations about availability.

Employees who find it difficult to manage their workload should work with their manager to come up with strategies to efficiently manage their time such as evaluating their current workload, priorities, and due dates to come up with a solution.


As long as your work is completed and you attend your meetings, you have flexibility over your hours.

The thing we work hardest at is hiring good people, so we want them to stick around and have a good balance between work and family and the rest of the important stuff in life. If you find yourself consistently working long hours, or just generally feel like that balance is out of whack, be sure to raise the issue to your manager or People Business Partner.

Please note that depending on your department, you may be able to adjust your work day to attend personal appointments. If you know that the appointment will take 4 hours or more, we expect you to use one of your available forms of time-off, such as personal leave or paid time-off.

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Lunch & Other Breaks

Lunch breaks typically last between 30 minutes to an hour.Other breaks taken throughout the day are up to you - what’s important is that you take care of yourself throughout that day. That can include taking breaks from looking at your screen, going for a walk, or just grabbing some water.  


Give & Take

Our culture at OneLocal is one where when you’re in the zone and are most productive, we want you to stay in the zone as long as it continues to work for you.  On the other hand, if you’ve hit a roadblock or need to step away from what you’re currently doing to take a longer break to refocus, take it! It’s inevitable that you’ll have days where you end up working longer to bring that extra value for our customers or your fellow team members. Then, there’ll be other days where you may need to take a few more breaks than normal or perhaps personal circumstances may come up where you need to come in later or leave earlier; all of that is ok! When this happens, you are expected to remember that it is all about the give and take - when you take a little more, remember to give a little back, and vice versa.What’s important is that you respect the expectations and needs of your team and of our customers and be mindful of what’s required based on your role and department.  If you’re not sure, just ask! Your manager is there to ensure that you get the balance you need.