Your First 3 Months

Probationary Period

When you first join OneLocal, and for the 3 months after, you will have an opportunity to get to know the company, your coworkers and see if the company and your role is what you expected! 


During this time, our goal is to support you in your transition, help you start building your relationships with the team, and understand how your role contributes to the overall success of the company. To ensure you’re on the right path, we onboard employees with a 90 Day Plan, which lays out a clear course of action and evaluation at three checkpoints - the 30 day, 60 day, and 90 day mark. By setting concrete goals at each stage of your 90 Day Plan, this helps to make your transition into a new organization a smooth and empowering one.

These checkpoints are also used as a time to discuss any gaps between expectations and reality, and any additional support you need to help with your transition into OneLocal, and open up the conversation to discuss any concerns you may be having.