Moving On


If you decide that it’s time for you to move on from OneLocal, we ask that you provide us with at least 10 working days’ notice; however, in some cases, we may discuss shortening the time (and paying you out in lieu of notice) or discuss having more time to wrap up and/or pass on projects and tasks that you’re working on.  Please refer to your employment agreement for provisions related to terminating your employment, including confidentiality, ownership of intellectual property, and notice periods.

Employees are not permitted to take personal days during their notice period, however you may be permitted to take paid time off if you have banked time available. Alternatively, your manager may ask that you cancel any pre-scheduled paid time off that falls in your notice period if the time is needed to facilitate your transition. Please discuss this with your manager when providing your notice of resignation.

Notice should be communicated in person with your manager, and followed up in writing to both your manager and to the People Operations Manager. 

During your notice period, please meet with your manager to discuss how best to wrap-up and transition your role. Your manager will communicate your decision to the team.

Exit Interviews

Following receipt of your notice of resignation and before your last day, you may be asked to participate in an exit interview with the People Operations Manager. The intent of this meeting is to learn about your experience, uncover improvement opportunities for the company, and identify issues we can potentially address after you leave.

Although not mandatory, we value your feedback, and understanding your employment experience with us will only help us to improve the experience for current and future employees.

Returning Company Property

A member of the Operations/People team will be reaching out to you to connect on the return of your hardware. You will need to provide the box to ship your items in, however OneLocal will incur all shipping costs.

Final Pay

Should your employment end with OneLocal (whether voluntarily or involuntarily), adjustments will be made to your final pay. This may include payment of any outstanding vacation that was accrued but not used and deductions for any vacation that was taken but not earned, any outstanding expense reimbursements, as well as any commission or bonuses earned but not yet paid.

Employment References

If you wish to use your manager as a reference for future potential employers, please notify them in advance. If contacted, they will confirm your dates of employment and your role here at OneLocal.  If you would like your manager to provide a more detailed reference including information about how well you performed your job, you must submit a written request to provide this type of additional information. It is important to note that providing permission for this type of reference means that your manager may also provide information regarding challenges you faced in your role.