Laptops, Equipment and Supplies

Oh My!

When you start with OneLocal, you are provided a laptop, electronic accessories, and other equipment and software to help you do your job most effectively. 


Laptops and Other Hardware/Equipments

When provided with your laptop and any other hardware and accessories, you are responsible for taking reasonable care of the items. 

If at any point in your employment you start having issues with your laptop or other electronics provided to you, please see an Operations Analyst. It will be your responsibility to bring this to the Office Manager’s attention as soon as possible to avoid any further damage or issues (e.g. warranties, etc.).

Depending on the cause and severity of the issue or damage to the laptop or other equipment, and whether the damage is covered under warranty or existing insurance coverage, we will discuss how best to handle the cost in the rare case you are at fault for the damage. (If you are at fault, this may result in sharing the cost of the repair or replacement).