Our Group Benefit Plan

OneLocal provides all permanent full-time employees a group insurance plan. Our benefits are provided on an annual basis, from April 1st to March 31st (the “benefit year”)

And one of the best parts about it? It doesn’t cost you a cent!

Here is a summary of what’s available to you:

For information regarding ClaimSecure/CanadaLife, please refer to this Notion page. Here, you will find summarized information for your Benefits, as well as a recording of the team information session.

  • Extended Health Care

    This includes prescription drugs coverage, paramedical practitioners, vision care, medical services and supplies, hospitalization coverage, and travel coverage

  • Dental Care

    This includes basic and preventative dental care

  • Basic & Dependent Life Insurance

  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance

  • Health Spending Account

    A fixed annual allowance that you can use towards eligible health care expenses

Our Group Benefits Plan is administered by Humi (our HR Information System platform), and our benefits carrier is Benecaid.  This is only important to know as you’ll likely see these names throughout our benefits information packages and when submitting claims.  Please note that OneLocal reserves the right to select the providers for their plan at its sole discretion; however we will provide as much notice as possible should we choose to change providers.

Health Spending Account

We are also pleased to provide our employees with a Health Spending Account (HSA)!  This is intended to allow you to control where your benefit dollars are spent, and gives you flexibility in deciding which benefits are most important to you.

Each year, permanent full-time employees are eligible to receive an HSA allowance each benefit year.  An HSA is a non-taxable benefit and allows you to use your allowance on expenses such as non-insured health or dental expenses, vision care, and orthodontics. 

For the 2023/2024 benefit year, the base HSA amount is $900/benefit year. However, this amount can increase based on what deductible you choose for your prescription drug coverage and co-insurance amount you choose for your dental coverage (see Enrollment/Renewal section below).  This means, more benefit dollars to you!

Any remaining balance you may have in your HSA at the end of the benefit year will be rolled into your balance the following calendar year. However, any remaining allowance must be used within the following 12 months or it will be forfeited and returned to the company.

Further details can be found in your benefits package provided to you on your first day, including a full list of eligible expenses under each account, or you can see the People Ops team for more information. 


Waiting Period

You will be eligible to join the plan on the first day of your employment AFTER your initial 3 continuous months of employment. 


When you join the company, if you’re eligible, our People Operations team will walk you through how to enrol into the plan. Every year thereafter, before March 1st, you will be invited to renew your coverage.


Some important notes about enrollment/renewal:

When enrolling and also when you renew your plan annually, you will have choices!

    • For your Extended Health Care Benefit, you will have the option of choosing what deductible you would like applied to your prescription drug plan, based on your own personal circumstances. You can choose from a $0 deductible, a $250 deductible, or a $500 deductible

    • For your Dental Care Benefit, you will have the option of choosing what co-insurance you would like applied to your plan (meaning the percentage you’d like covered by the company). You can choose from a 100% coverage, 80% coverage, and 60% coverage. The remaining % will be covered by you when submitting claims.

    • Depending on what choices you make, your HSA amount will be adjusted, so you still can get the most of the Group Benefits Plan depending on your needs.  For example:

      • If you choose $0 deductible for your prescription drug plan, and a 100% coverage for your Dental Care Benefit, you will be granted the normal HCSA amount of $900/benefit year.

      • However, if you choose a $0 deductible for your Extended Health Care Benefit, and 60% coverage for your Dental Care Benefit, you will be granted $954 in HCSA for that benefit year. 

      • The full list of how each choice affects your HCSA allowance is available in Benefits Session Presentation found here.

    • Reasons you may choose different deductible and/or coinsurance amounts will vary and will be dependent on your preferences and situations. Please speak with a member of the People Operations team to learn more.

    • You will have one week from the time the enrollment/renewal email is sent to you to choose your options.  If, for some reason, you do not choose one of the options or don’t finish your enrollment process, your plan will automatically be set to the default amounts so it is in your best interest to make the selections that make the most sense for you!

    • Once you select your choices (or the timeframe to choose your options has expired and you are set to the default amounts), you cannot change your coverage until the following benefits year.

You will be required to name a beneficiary as part of the initial online enrolment process. To complete this process, you will be prompted to print the beneficiary form and sign it. Please submit this form to the People Operations team to keep on file.

For new employees, your HCSA Allowance will be prorated to your start date, until the end of the benefit year (end of February).  For example, if your HCSA annual amount is $900 and your start date is August 1st, you will only receive half of that amount as there are only 6 months left in the benefits year.

Submitting Claims

All of our benefits are submitted and managed through an online platform called Claimsecure, and you can begin submitting claims after your 3-month anniversary.  

Claimsecure (www.claimsecure.com) is an online platform where you can access your benefits cards, view your coverage details, set up direct deposit, submit online claims, and also view the status of your claims. 

Please note that depending on what day in the month you start, your HSA allowance may not show up right away. You can still submit claims, but it may take a tad bit longer for reimbursement, (although it will be within the month for sure!).

More information about our Group Benefit Plan and how to use Claimsecure will be provided to you on your first day by the People Ops team.

Benefits While on Extended Leave

In the event that you need to go on leave due to extended leave for illness or injury, upon approval from our benefit carrier, you may continue to participate in the group extended health and dental plans while you are away from work, provided that you continue to provide doctor’s notes at OneLocal’s request.  After 1 year, we will re-evaluate your enrolment.

Should your employment come to an end, you will have 60 days from the date your employment ends to convert your extended health and dental to an individual plan if you wish. Please speak with the People Ops team for additional details.


Feel free to contact ClaimSecure directly at service@claimsecure.com, or reach out to anyone on our People Ops team!