Business Expenses

There may be times where you may have to pay for an expense as part of your job. When this happens, upon approval, you will be reimbursed. 

In cases where an expense has already been pre-approved (e.g. a budget has already been assigned for an event, costs to take new employees out for coffees or lunches), you do not need to discuss each individual purchase with your manager in advance. However, for any other purchases, please make sure to discuss with your manager beforehand to make sure that the expense is approved, and will be covered.

Submitting Expenses for Reimbursement

All expense reports must be submitted through our expense management software, Expensify, by uploading receipts to the platform and completing the report online. 

Once submitted through Expensify, it will be sent to your manager for approval, and will then go to Finance for payment. Once approved, expenses accumulated within a given month will be paid out by the end of the following month with your normal pay (via direct deposit). 

For example, if you incurred an expense on March 1st, it should be reviewed and approved by March 31st. Once approved, you will receive the reimbursement on your April 30th pay.

#OneTip: You have 90 days to submit your receipt from the date of purchase.  Receipts submitted after this period will not be reimbursed

A good habit is to submit it as soon as you can!

Travel Expenses 

Although rare, there may be a time when your manager requests that you travel as part of your job. 

If you do, OneLocal will cover the expenses of pre-approved travel for business. Expenses may include (but not limited to):

  • Transportation costs (airfare, train, car rental, gas/mileage at the CRA approved rate, etc.)

  • Accommodations

  • Travel Insurance (if not covered under our current benefits plan)

  • Local transportation on-site (public transportation, taxis, car-sharing services, car rentals, etc.)

  • Meals and incidentals (as reasonable for the duration of trip)

Please speak with your manager to confirm what expenses will be reimbursed and to coordinate how best to book and expense your costs. (For example, it may be best to use a company credit card for things that can be booked in advance such as transportation and accommodation).

Personal expenses (such as personal transportation, entertainment, gifts and souvenirs, etc.) while travelling for business are not reimbursable.

When travelling for business, employees are expected to minimize expenses based on what is reasonable for the duration of your trip (e.g. choosing economy class when travelling by air, selecting a standard room in a safe accommodation that’s conveniently located and comfortably equipped, etc.)  We don’t think it will come to it, but just in case it does, it is important for you to know that we do reserve the right not to reimburse you for expenses deemed unreasonable.