Conflict of Interest

There may be times when you are confronted by a situation that represents a potential conflict of interest. It is expected that you remain aware of these possibilities and when faced with a potential conflict, you speak with the People team.

Although there are many potential conflicts of interest scenarios that could happen, the following situations are seen as definite conflicts of interest:

  • Offer or acceptance of gifts, gratuities or other personal rewards that could be designed to influence business decisions;

  • Use or disclosure to the prejudice of the company or for personal gain any inside information, corporate trade secrets or other confidential company information except as authorized or required by law during and after employment with OneLocal;

  • Be in a situation where you are in a position to influence business decisions in ways that would lead to a gain/benefit for you, a family member, or someone with whom you have a personal relationship; or

  • Undertaking outside employment or establishment of personal or family business that interferes with the performance of the company’s duties and responsibilities and conflicts with company’s business interests.