Pregnancy & Parental Leave

If you are considering or expecting a child, congratulations to you!

You are entitled to unpaid pregnancy and parental leaves of absence from work according to the regulations set out in the Ontario Employment Standards Act

As these leaves are unpaid, we also encourage you to contact Service Canada or visit their website to find out what benefits may be available to you while taking these leaves

Sharing your News - Providing Notice

In the event that you want to take a pregnancy and/or parental leave of absence, to help us plan for your transition, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible. Please start with a discussion with your manager and follow up with an email to the People team indicating your due date (for pregnancy leaves), when you plan to start your leave, and the date you expect to return to work.

We completely understand if you need to stop working earlier than initially communicated, (if your child decides to make an early appearance for example!).  Just let us know as soon as you can.

How Long you Have to be an Employee Before Taking Pregnancy and/or Parental Leave (Eligibility)

You are eligible to take either the pregnancy leave and/or parental leave as long as you have been with the company at least 13 weeks before the due date of your child (for pregnancy leave) or before your intended start date for your parental leave (if you are not the birth parent). 

Duration of Pregnancy and Parental Leaves

Pregnant employees are entitled to up to 17 consecutive weeks of unpaid pregnancy leave, and you can take this leave as early as 17 weeks before your due date, and the latest you can start this leave is on the day the baby is born or on its due date. 

If you take pregnancy leave, you are also entitled to take up to 61 weeks of unpaid parental leave.

All other parents are entitled to take up to 63 weeks of unpaid parental leave, and must be taken within 78 weeks of the birth of your child, or from the date your child comes into your care or custody.  

Note that the durations above are the maximum number of weeks you can take, and so you aren’t required to take the full periods as outlined above and by the ESA. The amount you choose to take is completely up to you, as long as you take each leave continuously (e.g. can’t start your leave, come back to work, and then continue your leave).

Continuation of Your Health Benefits Program During Your Leave

While on pregnancy or parental leave, you will continue to be enrolled in our benefits program in the same capacity and structure as at the time before your leave. Once your child arrives, you can enroll him or her immediately into your plan, whether you’ve already returned to work or not! Please contact the People Operations Manager to help you get this process started.

Other Paid Leaves While on Pregnancy or Parental Leave

During your leave, you will not be eligible to accrue any paid leaves (such as vacation pay, personal days leaves, etc.).

Please reach out to the People team if you have any questions.

Returning to Work After Pregnancy or Parental Leave

Things change and we get it! If you need to change your return to work date, you are required to let us know by email, providing us with at least 4 weeks’ notice before the new return to work date (if earlier than expected) or 4 weeks’ notice before the date you originally planned to return to work (if you plan to return later).  This allows us to plan for your first day back!